Renting from us
The Process
We list available homes on Zillow and commercial property on Loopnet . We provide a form and application instructions to potential tenants after speaking. We prefer meeting in person at properties, but can arrange video calls. We ask for full credit reports, check references and review backgrounds. Applying costs around $30 per adult, only paid to e-Renter. There are no other fees. We do not have a set credit score, and will consider applicants with incarceration or addiction history. We will listen to your story. All properties are non-smoking. No dogs in the fourplex, elsewhere subject to limits (except service and ESAs ). We comply with housing laws. Our lease contracts are not exploitative. We strive to offer, and expect, fairness. Tenants needing help reach a human being, not a bot. We are right in the neighborhood, living here. We are no faceless hedge fund. If this is gentrification, it’s minimally disruptive, artisanal and village scale.